Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When and Why to Modify Cupboard Layout

     Until recently, I would have lifted the little saucers to get to the sandwich plates.  I would have done it every day, if necessary.  
     You see, I use sandwich plates a lot.  
     On the contrary, I use the little tea-sipping saucers very rarely.  I'm talking VERY rarely.  
     So, out of the cupboard they go.  These can be stored somewhere other than the handily accessible cupboard they now occupy.  
     Certainly, there is plenty of room for them, but, why take even the smallest amount of time day after day to move them out of the way?  The answer is because I wasn't thinking when I gave them their home.  I'm thinking now, so, it's time for a change of address for these little ditties.
While I'm at it...why oh why am I staring at an untidy basket?  There is no need to fish around in some basket for a coffee scoop.  Instead, the scoop can be artfully hung on the inside wall of the cupboard, the coffeepot can set FLAT on the bottom of the cupboard, and the little blue basket can live somewhere else entirely.  
     My happy goal is a tidy, accessible cupboard where everything can be seen and grabbed without fanfare, or dropping, or fiddling.  I really feel productive now, don't you?  

     Don't forget to keep "Feeding Human Beings" in your prayers, where this thought-saturated tip will be expounded on more fully, and many others will be given and discussed!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Some 40+ years ago, I decided to write a book I wished someone had already written.